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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Indian Bull in Shackles, or is it India in Shackles?

After centuries of stagnation and poverty, history has given our country a chance to grow and grow aggressively. The economy needs to strengthen and needs to lift millions out of poverty. We need to realize our potential. Will it happen in our lifetime?

I think it will. I can write on and on, but since single picture conveys a thousand words, here are my three thousand words:

Indian economy is roaring to go, but sectors such as Power, Aviation, Telecom and Mining are dying a quick death due to Indian Government Apathy and Policies. Indian economy is dead, Long live Indian economy. The Indian Bull is roaring to go, but petty policy shackles are withholding it.

Once again, the country is in hold of petty policy makers. This land of great gurus and saints is today ruled by a bunch of illiterate thugs. The soul of country is available for sale. Will our spirit weaken and give up?

The pygmies sitting in elite positions have shacked the country, killed our key sectors and random policy making has pushed many great brand names to death. Will India continue to sleep?

I dont think so. Great Bull run is roaring at our door step. Better times are just around the corner. Petty thugs may sit in elite position, but the great Indian spirit will break the shackles and grow irrespective of the governments. They may come and go. We will remain!
Thanks for reading this blog. Keep writing.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Fundoo,

    I am a regular reader of your blog. Please keep up the good work. Thanks a lot!!

    Best Regards,


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