StockFundoo Methodology

Powered by Fundamental Deep Value Investing and Technical Analysis
Detailed Stock Analysis updated on a Daily Basis
Daily Nifty View and Market Trend Analysis

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Technical Analysis of Markets - Direction of Nifty

Technical Analysis is a key tool in the hands of market analysts. It’s a marked deviation from the Fundamental Analysis approach of Scrips which we were applying in past few posts. Technical Analysis simply looks at price and volume for a given Stock or an Index and deploys mathematical insights from price and volume derivatives such as moving averages, momentum, oscillators and so on and so forth.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Reliance Industries - Fundamental View of the King!

As discussed in the previous post, Reliance Industries or RIL, has fallen out of favor with investors. In this post, we look at the fundamental picture of RIL and try to ascertain if there are any gaps in the fundamental view of RIL.

Attached is the company performance on a yearly basis and on a quarterly basis:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Gitanjali Gems - Glittering Gem of a Firm, but at what price you should get in - Part 2

We looked at some of the key parameters for Gitanjali in our last post. We looked at Revenue growth, Net margins growth, Market Cap, Book Value and their comparison. But the question remains for you the investor – At what price one should own Gitanjali Gems.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gitanjali Gems!! - Glittering Gem of a Firm, but at what price you should get in?

Gitanjali Gems is among the pioneers in diamond and jewellery businesses in India and boasts of powerful brands like Gili, Nakshatra, D’Damas, Sangini, Asmi and Diya to name just a few. It’s amazing for most investors to see such plethora of successful brands under one name and business group.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Reliance Industries - The forgotten King!

This is the first detailed analysis of a stock that we are publishing here, so we take the opportunity to debrief our analysis pattern and methodology. Our analysis will compromise of three steps:

A. Technical View of Stock

Birth of StockFundoo!

How common is to start discussing Stock Markets with your friends, family and boss, when someone chips in with a horrible tale of plunder:

  • I bought this Hot concept company IPO - Microfinance, Media or Telecom - and its down by about 80% now. I am scared to even touch IPOs now.

  • The telecom company scrip I bought in 2007-end, I'm averaging it since then but my investments are down by about 60%.

  • Options - Aaaagh. I have lost thousands on advice of my broker and they always turn out to be worthless by Month-end Expiry.

  • Stocks - Beta, don't touch them, even with a tad pole. Invest in Gold instead, they dont make it anymore.

These are common tales of Ignorant and Not-so-ignorant folks playing in markets and learning the lessons the hard way. Is there a way at all to make money, or is it just a bunch of whiz-kids making hay at the expense of common public.

At StockFundoo, we are eager to share our opinion, backed by Technical and robust Fundamental analysis to help you learn the ways of the Capital Markets. We will help unveil each of the situations above, how not in get there, how to spot opportunities and make money. Yes, its possible. We have done it, and will enable you to be successful too. Let's start the journey, with a proverbial small step.

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