PM Modi and his government is courageous and are a bunch of patriots. This was again demonstrated when Mr Modi single-handedly blocked a agreement of 168 countries and did well in doing so.
Sample this view and counter-view article and decide for yourself:
Why India is not WTO villain
The US is often accused of distorting world cotton market, as it dumps its excess stock. So India's position was that the agreement on agriculture provide an exemption for food subsidy (meant for survival of poor people).
Sample this view and counter-view article and decide for yourself:
Why India is not WTO villain
The US is often accused of distorting world cotton market, as it dumps its excess stock. So India's position was that the agreement on agriculture provide an exemption for food subsidy (meant for survival of poor people).
Nine Reasons Why India's WTO Veto Shocked the World
India's veto may be the beginning of the end for the WTO. Trade experts say that if the WTO's 20-year-old rulebook does not evolve, more and more trade will be governed by new regional agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which will have their own rules and systems of resolving disputes. That could lead to a fragmented world of separate trade blocs.
This is a very complex legal topic and outside our scope :) However, rest assured, our country is safe in hands of a very brave leader, who is not afraid of what the whole world thinks or does. He simple thinks about welfare of our poor people.
Cheers to that for being pro-poor and now lets go back to our Lamborghini and drink Champagne!
Cheers to that for being pro-poor and now lets go back to our Lamborghini and drink Champagne!
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