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Sunday, September 21, 2014

My investing mistakes of past few years - 20 bad stocks!

All bloggers write about their success story, and i have been no different so far. But, everyone makes mistakes and sweep their mistake under the carpet. No one talks about the battles they lost!

Well, I think i should be honest and i am detailing out 20 bad stocks that i picked in last 4-5 years and lost money. Some of these have stopped trading and others are just penny stocks now.

  1. Brandhouse Retail
  2. REI six ten retail
  3. REI agro
  4. Ankur Pharma
  5. Anu Lab
  6. Amar Remedies
  7. Raj Oil
  8. KS Oil
  9. Parekh Aluminex
  10. Midfield Industries
  11. Deccan Chronicles
  12. ICSA
  13. Zylog systems
  14. Geodesic
  15. ICSA
  16. Timbor Home
  17. Everonn
  18. Edserv
  19. Bilpower
  20. Winsome

Why did i invest in these bad stocks? Well, some of them failed due to bad business environment and were better firms when i decided to invest in them.

And some other are simply my mistake - either a hot business sector turned bad like e-Education or corrupt management like KS oils, Winsome or value traps like Deccan Chronicle or business which could not scale up like Timbor homes or some fly-by-night operators like Ankur Pharma.

Hopefully this post will help you avoid the investing mistake i did. We will always end up making some wrong investments, but key to survive is to diversify your portfolio, never put good money after bad money and get rid of bad stocks as soon as possible.


  1. TO add on ..Suzlon!

  2. I wrote a technical view on Suzlon here


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