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Friday, December 14, 2012

Kyun darta hai tu yaar mujhpe Daav Laga - i.e. Trading for a Living!

We will try to keep the focus of this blog strictly to Trading and Investing. However, I noticed one song(!) on a recent TV commercial and its lyrics forced me to think, the critical ability of a Trader and inherent skills required in this profession!

We traders are born (or re-born) risk-takers. We assess risk, assess value and where others shun the stock in fear, we embrace it whole-heartedly! Ours is the most difficult skill and profession in the world!

Sample these lyrics, and if possible hear to the full song.

Apologies as the lyrics are only in Hindi, this is from a Bollywood 2009 movie - "Aagey se Right"!

Take a chance, take a chance 
Yeah yeah.. check it 
Take a chance, take a chance 

Kyun darta hai tu yaar mujhpe daav laga

Gar himmat hai dildaar mujhpe daav laga
Aa kar le do ko chaar mujhpe daav laga
Mauke pe chauka maar mujhpe daav laga

Kyun darta hai tu yaar mujhpe daav laga

Salute to this great profession and to my fellow travelers in this ardent journey!

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